Can SMEs afford to be sceptical about Industry 4.0, Robotics & Smart Technologies?
Technology advancements have changed the way we live our lives, everyone is connected and has instant access to data. Intelligent Algorithms show us what we might like to buy. Augmentation technology ensures you get the kitchen you always wanted. TV programmes are on demand.
Like it or not technology has triggered lifestyle changes, how we interact, how we work and our expectations. They offer convenience, allows us to do things faster and more efficiently. They may not be for all, but the majority have adopted these technologies.
So, what about SMEs? What is the reality in regards to Industry 4.0 technologies, Collaborative Robotic Arms, Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs), Smart Sensors, and Artificial intelligence?
Much depends on the application case, but as with our social interactions, these technologies will benefit most and for many, adoption is not a choice, it is a must if they are to stay competitive!
Why hold back then?
Perceived Barriers:
Many reports suggest that many SMEs are unwilling to invest in the technologies, reasons given include:
- Too expensive
- Too complicated for need
- Changing current process would cause too much disruption
- Process varies too much
- Maintaining technology is expensive and requires highly skilled resources
These concerns may hold true, but in-reality, in many cases significant productivity gains are likely if the right approach is taken.
Is there a need or desire for process improvements?
If there is a need or desire to improve; process performance, increase capacity, reduce costs, increase throughout, reduce disruption when changeovers or market trends occur, reduce losses, maximise use of space, make better use of data, reduce maintenance cost, the list goes on…..There is potential for Smart technologies to deliver it, but which ones and how?
The big questions are:
- Where to start?
- Which technologies to use to provide the best returns?
- How to integrate new technology with my current infrastructure to get the best results?
It is also important to realise that there is no need to throw everything away and start again or to adopt lots of Smart technologies. It’s a matter of finding solutions that drive efficiency.
With the right approach, Smart technologies provide far greater operational transparency and insight to avoid costly errors, disruption and degraded performance. They also provide scope for guiding future improvement and adaptation to meet increasingly fast paced changes in demands.
Establish USE Case requirements, Constraints and Performance improvement potential:
It is very easy to get it wrong, go too far or not far enough… even the largest and most innovative of companies have found that inappropriate technology use reduces productivity!
To get it right, requires an understanding of the bigger picture of the process, achievement aims, capabilities of the technologies and how we integrate them to get the best out of them.
As a first step forget thinking about solution type, first we need to ask the right questions to identify core USE CASE characteristics and requirements to achieve our desired goals, for example:
- Existing infrastructure (Systems in place)
- Working area layouts and scope for adaptation
- Human in the loop. People interactions with process (Scan, pick, place, assembly, inspection…)
- Activity of workforce (E.g. % walking, rate of operation/day/hour, shift patterns, shortages of labour)
- Safety policies (E.g. No lift)
- Process performance (E.g. KPIs, Throughput rates required/Takt times/Changeover times/Line supply/Schedules)
- Predict future demand (E.g. likely increase in demand)
- Consider ability to adapt to changes in demand (seasonal peaks, unexpected trends or condition)
- Maintenance costs (preventative maintenance, repairs….)
- Input from hands on individuals involved in the task
This data enables priority definition, informed assessment, and ensures we take the right decisions first time. Comparing and scoring options, including Smart technology solutions, against the current operation and requirements matrix is key.
Systematic Approach for best returns
Assessing Smart technologies can be difficult. There are a wide range of technologies with varying performances. Large or small, it requires a holistic viewpoint and often requires multi-domain knowledge. A Systematic approach is required to derive the optimal solution for the immediate and the future.
Dividing processes into distinct groups of bounded interoperating objects helps understanding: Lineside racks, stores racks, production/warehouse management systems (even if it is paper), humans, doors, tote bins, code scanners etc. helps. Boundary transitions can then be identified and measured (physical items & data crossing boundaries, the rate at which the cross). Ultimately, this simplifies the identification of process limitations/bottle necks, weaknesses.
Effective and focused evaluation can then be done to determine which improvements, combination of technologies and methods will offer the best returns. Smart technology can help here. Simulation models of virtual system mock-ups allow unlimited what-if scenario executions to evaluate options and potential benefits before making investment decisions.
Be the best you can be:
Industry 4.0 is about change, advances in learning and technology that help us do things more efficiently and accelerate our understanding and learning. So, can SME’s afford to sceptical about Industry 4.0, Robotics & Smart technologies?
Yes of course, but it is better not to ignore it or assume it is too expensive, complicated and disruptive without systematic consideration first.
Appropriate Smart technology effectively integrated into a holistic solution can probably do more than you think. Achieving ROI in 6-18 months is possible, with potential 30 to 400% productivity improvement gains.
If in doubt, seek independent advice.
For more information contact the Applied Integration team today.
+44 (0) 1642 717555